Mosul Journal of Nursing (MJN) uses a double-blind peer review system to ensure the high quality of the reviewing process. All manuscripts should be submitted through our online manuscript submission system. For a manuscript with minimal MJN requirements and within the journal's aims and scope, the editor-in-chief sends the manuscript to three external scientific reviewers who are not from the same institute as the authors and not of the editorial board of the MJN. iThenticate is used to check similarities before starting to review. A notifying email will be sent to corresponding authors within one to two months, informing them about the weather acceptance or rejection of their manuscripts through our online system. MJN depends on external reviewers in reviewing the submitted manuscript and asks authors to suggest the reviewers; in addition, the editorial board members did not share in the reviewing process as reviewers, but they have a major role in choosing the manuscript's reviewers depending upon their specialty and academic reputation.